Tuesday, 3 February 2015

Yezdi 250cc carb leakage

Yezdi 250cc carb leakage

Most of the yezdi owners who are new to this machines complaints about the overflow of the carb of the bike . It feels urge when you are on your 1st date and  park your bike gone to a restaurant coming back seeing your bike wipping tears from the carb and then lots of exercise to start it , its the most weird dream its owner can have.

Some major causes :

  • The major basic cause of  it in the restored bikes nowadays can be the RUST in the fuel tank which makes your carb overflow . Put some stones , caustic in your empty fuel tank shake it nicely until you gets all the rust removed from the fuel tank .
  • Another problem can be in your carb itself sometimes the flutes and the sleeves of the carb are not in good condition due to the long time usage of the carb say for decades . Try replacing them .
  • Check the throttle sleeve in the carb is it moving freely and smoothly if its getting jamed in between and you have to push it back by throttle handle then you must replace or adjust the sleeve .
  • Always use good company petrol from a trusted petrol pump 
  • Service your carb every 2 or 3 months 

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